Positive energy in, negative energy out.
Positive energy in, negative energy out.
Energy healing is a holistic practice focused on restoring balance and clearing blockages in the body’s energetic field.
During an energy healing session, I cleanse your chakras (remove negative energy/blockages), and align your chakras (send positive energy in), I also tap into source energy and receive direct guidance from my guides and angels. These downloads are utilised for the healing that I am providing and the messages from the higher realms are passed on to you at the end of your session.
While conducting an energy healing, it is like I have a radio on in my head that is tuned into your frequency, angels and spirit guides provide me with direct messages for you.
My intuition and connection to my guides & angels work precisely the same whether you are in person or if I am working with distance healing.
Crystal Energy Healing
The Chakra system is the energetic highway that flows through the body.
When your chakras are in alignment, you feel balanced mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically, and physically.
Think of a long pipe, where if you pour water from the top to the bottom it should run out the base.
Imagine that the pipe has a blockage halfway down, the water will still filter through but not with the same free flow.
Now add another blockage. A mound of dirt has built up in the pipe, and the water that runs through is dirty and only trickling through.
As time goes by, many more blockages occur.
The water cannot move through the pipe, and the quality of what seeps through is stagnant.
This happens with unresolved emotions that build up over time, our body, unable to process the circumstances, stores this energy within.
During an energy healing session, I work with source energy to release these blockages so that your energy runs freely through your body.
I pride myself on delivering my best for my clients.
I am always actively working on myself and furthering my skills so that I provide the most exceptional offerings to clients.
I study through the best so that I can be my best.